All services are free and confidential.

On any given night, 100 women and children sleep safely at our residential campus.

All services are available in English and Spanish

To access all Genesis services, call the 24-hour helpline.

All services are free and confidential. • On any given night, 100 women and children sleep safely at our residential campus. • All services are available in English and Spanish • To access all Genesis services, call the 24-hour helpline. •

How can you help a friend?

1 in 3 teenagers will experience abuse in their relationship. Learn to recognize the signs of abuse and how you can help by clicking below.


STAR (Students Tackle Abusice Relationships) was founded to give teens in Dallas a chance to come together in support of the Genesis mission. We believe that the younger we are when we become involved in bettering the world around, the more opportunities we have to lead a fulfilling and positive life. STAR gives students the chance to teach others around them the importance of domestic violence awareness, particularly surrounding teen dating violence.


Upcoming Events


Upcoming Events


Sign up for STAR today!

Thank you for your interest in the STAR (Students Tackle Abusive Relationships) auxiliary at Genesis Women's Shelter & Support! Please feel free to share this application with friends and prospective members who may be interested in joining the program.

Students will be invited to participate in volunteer opportunities at the Genesis Shelter, attend educational meetings, organize donation drives, and brainstorm creative ways to engage their peers in our work. Students may apply this toward any service hours required for school or another organization.