All services are free and confidential.

On any given night, 100 women and children sleep safely at our residential campus.

All services are available in English and Spanish

To access all Genesis services, call the 24-hour helpline.

All services are free and confidential. • On any given night, 100 women and children sleep safely at our residential campus. • All services are available in English and Spanish • To access all Genesis services, call the 24-hour helpline. •

Emergency Shelter

A woman may find herself leaving an unsafe home suddenly to protect herself and her children. Often, she has very little time to prepare and may have to leave with just the clothes on her back. The Genesis Emergency Shelter offers a non-disclosed, safe place to stay during this difficult time. With staff available 24/7, the emergency shelter has everything she may need, such as essential items (toiletries, clothing, etc.), warm meals and private living spaces, allowing her and her children to feel comfortable and secure for up to eight weeks as they rest and heal.

To receive support, call or text the 24-hour helpline, 214.946.HELP (4357)


All Genesis services are free, confidential and available in English and Spanish.


What is staying at the Genesis Emergency Shelter like?

  • Meals and essential items like clothes and shoes will be provided for all clients at the shelter at no cost.

    Learn more about donating items »

  • During this time, she and her children will receive standard Genesis services such as counseling, occupational therapy and legal counsel.

    Learn more about:

    Counseling »

    Occupational Therapy »

    Legal Services »

  • She will work closely with advocates to obtain resources like transportation, medical care and financial advice to help her and her family successfully transition into independent living.

    Learn more about advocacy at Genesis »

  • Kiddos ages 4-15 can attend Simmon’s school, an on-site program that will continue their education from the safety of the shelter campus. Childcare is also provided f . . .

    Learn more about Simmon’s School »


What happens after the eight-week Emergency Shelter stay?

Sometimes, she and her children are not ready to live on their own after their stay at the emergency shelter. Genesis offers a transitional housing program (Annie’s House) that helps her continue her healing journey and gain tools and resources to build a safe and happy future for herself and her children.

Emergency Shelter

A woman may find herself leaving an unsafe home suddenly to protect herself and her children. Often, she has very little time to prepare and may have to leave with just the clothes on her back. The Genesis Emergency Shelter offers a non-disclosed, safe place to stay during this difficult time. With staff available 24/7, the emergency shelter has everything she may need, such as essential items (toiletries, clothing, etc.), warm meals and private living spaces, allowing her and her children to feel comfortable and secure for up to eight weeks as they rest and heal.

To receive support, call or text the 24-hour helpline, 214.946.HELP (4357)


All Genesis services are free, confidential and available in English and Spanish.

What is staying at the Genesis Emergency Shelter like?

  • Meals and essential items like clothes and shoes will be provided for all clients at the shelter at no cost.

    Learn more about donating items »

  • During this time, she and her children will receive standard Genesis services such as counseling, occupational therapy and legal counsel.

    Learn more about:

    Counseling »

    Occupational Therapy »

    Legal Services »

  • She will work closely with advocates to obtain resources like transportation, medical care and financial advice to help her and her family successfully transition into independent living.

    Learn more about advocacy at Genesis »

  • Kiddos ages 4-15 can attend Simmon’s school, an on-site program that will continue their education from the safety of the shelter campus. Childcare is also provided f . . .

    Learn more about Simmon’s School »

What happens after the eight-week Emergency Shelter stay?

Sometimes, she and her children are not ready to live on their own after their stay at the emergency shelter. Genesis offers a transitional housing program (Annie’s House) that helps her continue her healing journey and gain tools and resources to build a safe and happy future for herself and her children.