All services are free and confidential.

On any given night, 100 women and children sleep safely at our residential campus.

All services are available in English and Spanish

To access all Genesis services, call the 24-hour helpline.

All services are free and confidential. • On any given night, 100 women and children sleep safely at our residential campus. • All services are available in English and Spanish • To access all Genesis services, call the 24-hour helpline. •


Request a Genesis Speaker

Are you looking for a speaker for an upcoming event? One part of our mission at Genesis Women’s Shelter is to spread awareness about domestic violence, so whether it’s presenting to a small group of third-graders or speaking at a national convention, we would love to participate in your next event. Simply fill out the information below and we’ll be in touch shortly!

Although we do our best to accommodate all speaker requests, we request at least 30 days advanced notice for planning purposes. Due to scheduling, weekend availability may be limited.


The National Training Center on Crimes Against Women (NTCCAW)

The National Training Center is located on the first floor of Genesis at Lucas

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