All services are free and confidential.
On any given night, 100 women and children sleep safely at our residential campus.
All services are available in English and Spanish
To access all Genesis services, call the 24-hour helpline.
All services are free and confidential. • On any given night, 100 women and children sleep safely at our residential campus. • All services are available in English and Spanish • To access all Genesis services, call the 24-hour helpline. •

Genesis the Podcast
Genesis the Podcast is a new way to connect with Genesis Women’s Shelter and Support and expand your thinking about domestic violence and related issues that affect women. GTP is also a trusted source of information if you are in an abusive relationship and need safety, shelter or support. Listen every week for fresh content related to domestic violence, to connect with world-renown professionals, participate in exclusive events and training opportunities, and take action against domestic violence.
Genesis The Podcast is hosted by Maria MacMullin, Chief Impact Officer of Genesis Women's Shelter & Support and the Host of the Podcast on Crimes Against Women.
Genesis the Podcast
Genesis the Podcast is a new way to connect with Genesis Women’s Shelter and Support and expand your thinking about domestic violence and related issues that affect women. GTP is also a trusted source of information if you are in an abusive relationship and need safety, shelter or support. Listen every week for fresh content related to domestic violence, to connect with world-renown professionals, participate in exclusive events and training opportunities, and take action against domestic violence.
Genesis The Podcast is hosted by Maria MacMullin, Chief Impact Officer of Genesis Women's Shelter & Support and the Host of the Podcast on Crimes Against Women.
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Genesis the Podcast Topics
Genesis the Podcast has three full seasons of content for you to expand your knowledge in the field of domestic violence and other related topics. Give us a listen if you are looking to learn more about:
Intersections with domestic violence (race, sexual orientation, religion, etc)
Teen dating violence
Tactics of abuse
The impact of abuse
Survivor stories
Strategies for healing trauma
Maria MacMullin
Host of Genesis the Podcast and the Podcast on Crimes Against Women
Welcome to Genesis the Podcast – I’m Maria MacMullin. I have hosted GTP since its launch in September 2021 when we identified a need for ongoing audio content that helps spread awareness around the facets of domestic violence. As the past few years have proven, the work of the anti-violence movement does not end, and it requires (sometimes) hard conversations to shine a light on this prevalent issue.
A little more about me…I read extensively. I ask a lot of questions because I have an insatiably curious mind. If you like asking questions too you can send them to me by clicking the button below. I have strong opinions and a passion for exposing the prevalence of femicide in order to end it. I had no idea when I moved to Texas almost 20 years ago that one day I would have the opportunity to work alongside so many dedicated, like-minded professionals. Or that I would have the privilege to stand in support of so many incredible survivors. I look forward to every day in this work and every episode of GTP because of the people who take the time to share their knowledge, because of the work we all do to end violence against women and most especially because of the survivors who will benefit from this work.
By now you might be thinking I really like to talk, but honestly, I prefer to dig into issues, ask questions, listen, and learn. I have spent my entire professional life advocating in one way or another for survivors of calamitous situations. I prefer to think of this work as giving a voice to people who need it. Whether it’s raising money for survivors to receive the no-cost services they desperately need or elevating the conversation around their cause through a podcast, the impact is the same: survivors are heard, they are believed, they are supported and hopefully healed.