All services are free and confidential.
On any given night, 100 women and children sleep safely at our residential campus.
All services are available in English and Spanish
To access all Genesis services, call the 24-hour helpline.
All services are free and confidential. • On any given night, 100 women and children sleep safely at our residential campus. • All services are available in English and Spanish • To access all Genesis services, call the 24-hour helpline. •

Planned Giving
Leaving a legacy of safety, shelter & support
1-in-3 women will experience some form of abuse from an intimate partner. With occurrences of this magnitude, domestic violence can be happening to your neighbor, your sister, your best friend.
Help and hope for women in abusive relationships has been available at Genesis for over 4 decades. Our doors are open and will remain open for as long as domestic violence continues to affect our community. Including Genesis Women’s Shelter & Support in your estate planning will ensure that the community you call home today will be able to offer safety, shelter and support to women and children for all the tomorrows to come.
Planned gifts are deferred and made through a legacy vehicle, such as a will, bequest or estate plan. The best way to ensure your future gift to Genesis is made according to your wishes is to plan now.
How to get started:
Contact Genesis Chief Impact Officer Maria MacMullin to discuss planned gift designations.
Contact your estate planner or financial advisor about options to designate a gift to Genesis in your will or estate.
Once you have established your planned gift, inform Genesis of the intended gift.
What is Planned Giving?
Planned gifts are deferred and made through a legacy vehicle, such as a will, bequest or estate plan. The best way to ensure your future gift to Genesis is made according to your wishes is to plan now.
How to get started:
Contact Genesis to discuss planned gift designations.
Contact your estate planner or financial advisor about options to designate a gift to Genesis in your will or estate.
Once you have established your planned gift, inform Genesis of the intended gift.
Connect with Genesis
For more information on how a bequest to Genesis supports a future of safety, shelter and support for women and children please contact Maria MacMullin, Chief Impact Officer at Genesis, by filling out the form below.
If you have already included Genesis in your estate planning, please let us know. To share information about your gift, fill out the form below to send Maria an email, or giver her a call.
Our tax ID is 87-1061849.