All services are free and confidential.

On any given night, 100 women and children sleep safely at our residential campus.

All services are available in English and Spanish

To access all Genesis services, call the 24-hour helpline.

All services are free and confidential. • On any given night, 100 women and children sleep safely at our residential campus. • All services are available in English and Spanish • To access all Genesis services, call the 24-hour helpline. •


We are absolutely thrilled to introduce KIDS 4 KIDS – a program designed for young philanthropists to get plugged in with Genesis Women’s Shelter, helping to create change and provide joy to other children their age! Children from kindergarten through 8th grade will have the opportunity to join us at Genesis at Lucas to help with age-aligned projects, Kiddos will have the opportunity to learn from an early age how volunteering their time provides hope and happiness to the women and children we serve!


We are absolutely thrilled to introduce KIDS 4 KIDS – a program designed for young philanthropists to get plugged in with Genesis, helping to create change and provide joy to other children their age! Children from kindergarten through 8th grade will have the opportunity to join us to help with age-aligned projects, Kiddos will have the opportunity to learn from an early age how volunteering their time provides hope and happiness to the women and children we serve!


Sign up today!

Thank you for your interest in the Kids 4 Kids program.

Fill out the form to learn more or sign up for upcoming events!