Genesis Leadership
We are looking to create a societal shift on how people think about domestic violence.
In order for that to happen we need everyone to share the same message that there is help and hope.
It will take all facets of society going in the same direction to invoke a real change. For every woman in an abusive situation, there is help and hope.
Any woman, any age, any race, any religion, anywhere can be affected. But it does not define who they are.
Genesis Board of Directors
Ty Beasley
Ashlee Hunt Kleinert
Frank Mihalopoulos
Julie Rogers
Vice Presidents
Nancy K. Best
Eric R. Bradley
Sheriff Marian Brown
Vic Drabicky
Beth Ewing
Kathy Helm
Eric Jackson
A. Erin Marino
Kevin Navarro
Christopher Ray
Jane A. Rose
Dr. Cynthia Mickens Ross
Gail O. Turner
Crayton Webb