If you are in need of Genesis services, call or text the 24-hour helpline- 214.946.HELP (4357)
Genesis serves more than 3,700 women and children each year.
Through the years, Genesis has served over 35,000 women and children.
If you are in need of Genesis services, call or text the 24-hour helpline- 214.946.HELP (4357) • Genesis serves more than 3,700 women and children each year. • Through the years, Genesis has served over 35,000 women and children. •

Genesis Legal Services
At Genesis, we know navigating the legal process can feel intimidating for anyone, but particularly for women who have experienced violence in their relationship. The Genesis legal team provides a variety of services including direct representation, advisement in how you can litigate your case yourself and connecting you with an attorney through our network of pro bono community attorneys.
Genesis Women’s Shelter & Support offers pro bono legal services in family law matters so that Genesis clients can receive the high-quality and trauma-informed representation they deserve.
Intake Appointments
If you are a woman who has experienced intimate partner violence and is seeking legal services for divorce, custody case or protective order, either pending in or eligible to be filed in Dallas County, follow these steps to schedule an intake appointment with an attorney.
Contact our helpline at 214.946.4357 and let the operator know you would like to request an advocacy appointment. They will schedule a meeting for you with one of our advocates at Genesis at Lucas, located at 2023 Lucas Drive in Dallas, Texas. Appointments are also available by phone or Zoom.
An advocate is not an attorney, but can provide you with information regarding a variety of community resources including housing, employment, financial information and more. We understand that violence often creates compounding needs, and we seek to address our client’s legal needs in a holistic way, which often includes more than just legal representation but also counseling and advocacy services. Mention to your advocate that you need legal services and they will ask you some questions to determine which of our programs would be the best fit for you and your family. In addition to our onsite attorneys, we also work closely with Legal Aid of Northwest Texas, who meets onsite with our clients to provide legal representation at no cost.
If it is determined that your case meets the criteria for our legal program, the advocate will schedule you for a meeting with a Genesis attorney and let you know what day and time to arrive for your appointment. If you have an upcoming court hearing, please make sure the advocate is aware of this information.
Time for your appointment! Before your appointment, time make sure to fill out any appropriate intake paperwork. The form asks for basic information about you and your family to better assist us in assessing your individual legal needs during our meeting. Additionally, please make sure to bring copies of any orders from the court.
Please remember that this appointment is not a guarantee of legal representation.
To receive support, call or text the 24-hour helpline. 214.946.HELP (4357)
All Genesis services are free, confidential and available in English and Spanish.