An Update on United States v. Rahimi
Today the United States Supreme Court upheld the federal law that prohibits domestic abusers from lawfully possessing firearms in the case United States v. Rahimi. We are relieved to hear that in an 8-1 decision, the Supreme Court decided to stand on the right side of history to prevent dangerous individuals access to firearms. Today’s ruling was a milestone in the ongoing push to end domestic violence. For years to come, we can look back at the decision made today as a step towards progress and protection for women and children experiencing domestic abuse.
“While we tried to prepare ourselves for either outcome, we are so happy to see that the right decision was made in today’s ruling,” said Genesis Chief Executive Officer Jan Langbein. “It has been proven in statistics and survivor stories just how dangerous firearms in the hands of abusers can be. Research clearly shows that in violent homes, the mere presence of firearms increases the odds of fatality by 500%. The decision that was made today is a stand against domestic violence in the highest courts, and we will continue to work towards legislation that strengthens that stance.”
While we will celebrate today as movement in the right direction, we must acknowledge the work there is left to do in ending domestic violence. Although abusers will now be restricted from possessing firearms, we know that there are countless seen and unseen ways women and children in abusive homes are still at risk. We hope that the joy and reassurance from today’s ruling acts as a catalyst for continued systemic change when it comes to domestic violence. When we all decide to stand together against abuse, powerful change can be made.
Genesis Women’s Shelter and Support