“Sometimes miracles are just good people with kind hearts.”

The Genesis Heart-to-Heart program (H2H) represents a community of supporters who pledge to donate to our cause once a month. H2H members make monthly contributions of any amount directly helping women and children who have experienced abuse take their first steps toward help, hope and healing. Because of the devotion of our members, a woman facing the greatest crisis of her life will know peace, security and healing.

As philanthropic giving patterns change and evolve, monthly giving is becoming more popular, especially among millennials. We’re excited to offer an easy and flexible giving opportunity to meet these growing needs. Being a Heart-to-Heart member allows you to enter your payment information only one time while continuing to provide necessary and ongoing support. Plus, you can contribute what makes sense for you and your financial situation throughout the year and watch your impact grow each month!

Members join a dedicated group of likeminded and impact-focused supporters committed to providing safety for women and children. As an added bonus, you’ll receive a special welcome gift with more information about the difference your gifts are making and opportunities to get more involved with Genesis.

It would mean so much to our women and children to be able to count on the support of community members like you during a time when they might not have anyone else to count on. By joining the Heart-to-Heart program, you’re making a difference – every single month.

Join now by clicking here.

Written Alissa Lindsey, fund development manager at Genesis Women’s Shelter & Support.